September Specialist Toy, Models and Collectables - Update

Our two day Specialist Toys, Models & Collectables will now be held next month in October. Please see the following update below from our Principle Auctioneer and Valuer, Andy Ebbage.

“We’ve unfortunately had to take steps to postpone and reschedule our upcoming two day event due to the early and unexpected arrival of a ‘new’ family member. Whilst the catalogue will be appearing online this week, the auction itself will be a little later than planned with a confirmed date expected next week. We apologise for the delay but are confident it will be worth the wait!”

All other services remain unchanged with work already underway on events before the year end so entries are still invited for the final two ‘single-day’ events due for 2021. These are scheduled for November and December.


Two days of quality toys, models and collectables in October


August Specialist Auction - Highlights